
Activities / Business activities
The company's main activities in July 2022 2022-08-15 10:20:08

Facing the party flag, we entered the fiery July

1.On July 1, on the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Party Branch of BASR organized all party members and cadres to watch the propaganda film of "The Great Spirit of Party Building" with the theme of "Don't forget the original intention and walk with sunshine", and revisited the great spirit of party building. Inspired by the spirit of party building, all party members have more profoundly strengthened their belief in the party and their determination to make contributions in their posts. Under the leadership of the general manager of the company, all party members and cadres actively carried out donation activities. In BASR, donation activities have long become a glorious tradition of the company, and this glorious tradition will accompany BASR all the way.


2.The BU1 operation has overcome many difficulties, not only completed the task of ensuring production and supply of BBAC, but also made a huge breakthrough in market development. Our team's professional knowledge, management experience and cooperation concept have won the respect of when in communication with customers. It is this respect that makes us trusted by our customers in this limited market; It is this trust that allows us to gain the opportunity to serve our customers in this fierce market competition.


3. The logistics department of BU1 has overcome the difficulties of epidemic control, and while ensuring the production of BBAC, the technical and management level has been continuously improved. Under the leadership of Zhang Shengxing, the technical backbone, the technical quality team continues to study technology, which greatly improves the efficiency of handling quality problems; Under the leadership of Wang Hongling, Logistics/Technical Quality Manager, the logistics management team put forward the improvement plan of base management, and the implementation of these improvement plans will surely make our logistics base management to a new level.


4.The Jinan team of BU2 of the company transform and focus on market development under the condition that the main business continues to shrink. This kind of market pioneering spirit that is not afraid of difficulties and actively transforms has achieved initial results.


5.After a full analysis of the company's management system SAP, PCMS, OA, the company's project team formulated a system upgrade plan. In order to ensure that production and operation are not affected, the company's project team is under great pressure, and with the cooperation of all departments of the company, all the upgrade plans of the system were completed on time and as planned in July.


6. This month, logistics manager Wang Hongling conducted the transfer of the "Perfect Motivation" module in the DMTP "E+ Manager" high-end training course.



At the same time, a group of 10 members of our management went to Changchun from the 22nd to the 24th to participate in the 3-day training of "Five Tasks of Efficient Managers" and "Creating Peak Performance" of DMTP "E+ Managers".



These three modules have designed a series of methods and tools to perfectly motivate and improve performance, which provide effective theoretical support for our management improvement. However, how to integrate theory with practice is a practical problem before us. The only way to solve this practical problem is to use our wisdom, our experience, and our constant learning and constantly improve our mental model.