
Activities / Business activities
The company's main activities in June 2021 2021-07-06 15:15:29

1. On June 12, the company organized the management team to come to Tianjin for inspection and exchange. Everyone offered suggestions for the future development of the company. In particular, Comrades Gao Chuncheng, Zeng Shu, Qu Hongyan, Guan Xing, Guan Yu and Ji Xuan, standing at the height of the company's development, gave detailed suggestions from the aspects of business development planning, project culture construction planning, and employee work and life planning. These suggestions have positive guiding significance for the construction and development of the company in the future.


2.Due to the needs of the company's development, the company's management team made corresponding adjustments in the first half of the year, and the staff team also continued to make corresponding adjustments in the adjustment. In their new positions, new requirements and new challenges, relevant employees have shown the spirit of putting the interests of the company first, obeying the arrangement, and devoting themselves to the new jobs. In particular, Comrade Zeng Shu and Comrade Guan Xing, in the case of heavy tasks and tight personnel in the Wuqing Logistics Base, were ordered in danger, obeyed the dispatch, and actively assumed the responsibilities of the corresponding leadership positions, reflecting good professionalism. Their professionalism and dedication are an indispensable asset for the company's development.



3.On June 27, the party branch of the company organized all party members and party activists of the company to go to "Langya Mountain" to hold a party building activity of "learning the spirit of Xi heroes and martyrs and striving for national rejuvenation". Standing under the bright party flag, the party members reviewed the oath of joining the party, and the activists who joined the party expressed their determination to unswervingly follow the party. Everyone unanimously said that only by studying the Xi hard, working hard, and contributing their own strength to the rejuvenation of the nation can the best commemoration of the martyrs.


4.The successful conclusion of June marks the first half of 2021, the company has withstood unprecedented challenges and tests, overcome numerous difficulties, and successfully concluded.